Deep Thought Of The Month... |
"Instead of raising your hand to ask a question in class, how about
individual push buttons on each desk? That way, when you want to ask a
question, you just push the button and it lights up a corresponding number
on a tote board at the front of the class. Then all the professor has to
do is check the lighted number against a master sheet of names and numbers
to see who is asking the question."
- Jack Handey |
M U S I C |
NURVIS (artist information)
Varactor Ratio (artist information)
Red Light 6 Studio
(MIDI / digital recording facility)
MixElektro Records (an electronic music label)
MixElektro Records: CD Order Form (purchase MixElektro CDs directly)
Classic '80s & '90s Club Music (The Nurmix collection)
Nurmix (what the hell is it?)
C O M P U T E R S & V I D E O G A M E S |
White Flag Computing (my computer repair & consulting company in El Segundo, CA)
Atari Computers (Microsoft-free Zone!)
Classic video games (Intellivision, Atari, Coleco and more)
H U M O R |
The Zarsisipan Files (bizarre original fiction)
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
O T H E R C O O L S T U F F |
The Volkswagen GTI (one with the road)
Send an e-mail to Nurmix (aka Paul Nurminen)